The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our November 2024 client library releases.

63 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (31)

  • Azure client library integration for ASP.NET Core

  • Communication Messages

  • Event Grid

  • Identity

  • Image Analysis

  • Key Vault - Administration

  • Key Vault - Certificates

  • Key Vault - Keys

  • Key Vault - Secrets

  • Provisioning

  • Provisioning - App Configuration

  • Provisioning - Application Insights

  • Provisioning - Cognitive Services

  • Provisioning - CosmosDB

  • Provisioning - Event Hubs

  • Provisioning - Key Vault

  • Provisioning - Operational Insights

  • Provisioning - PostgreSQL

  • Provisioning - Redis

  • Provisioning - SQL

  • Provisioning - Search

  • Provisioning - Service Bus

  • Provisioning - SignalR

  • Provisioning - Storage

  • Provisioning - WebPubSub

  • Resource Management - Azure VMware Solution

  • Resource Management - Computefleet

  • Resource Management - Data Factory

  • Resource Management - Hybrid Compute

  • Resource Management - NetApp Files

  • Resource Management - PostgreSQL

Patch Updates (3)

  • Identity

  • Resource Management - Cognitive Services

  • Resource Management - SignalR

Beta Packages (29)

  • AI Model Inference

  • Communication Call Automation

  • Data Movement

  • Data Movement - Blobs

  • Data Movement - Files Shares

  • Face

  • OpenAI Inference

  • OpenTelemetry AspNetCore

  • Provisioning - Deployment

  • Resource Management - App Service

  • Resource Management - Compute

  • Resource Management - Container Instances

  • Resource Management - Container Registry

  • Resource Management - Container Service Fleet

  • Resource Management - Containerorchestratorruntime

  • Resource Management - Cosmos DB

  • Resource Management - DNS

  • Resource Management - DNS Resolver

  • Resource Management - ElasticSan

  • Resource Management - Event Hubs

  • Resource Management - Hardware Security Modules

  • Resource Management - IoT Hub

  • Resource Management - Log Analytics

  • Resource Management - Logic Apps

  • Resource Management - Managed Service Identity

  • Resource Management - Nginx

  • Resource Management - Recovery Services

  • Resource Management - Terraform

  • Resource Management - Web PubSub

Release highlights

AI Model Inference 1.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added new EmbeddingsClient, to provide support for generating text embeddings using supported models.
  • Add support for passing a string file path on disk in order to provide an image for chat completions.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed support for chat completions streaming while using tools.

Breaking Changes

  • ChatCompletionsClientOptions has been renamed to AzureAIInferenceClientOptions.
  • ChatCompletions response object has been flattened. ChatCompletions.Choices has been removed, and the underlying properties have been bubbled up to be on the ChatCompletions object instead.
  • ChatCompletionsFunctionToolCall has been replaced with ChatCompletionsToolCall.
  • ChatCompletionsFunctionToolDefinition has been replaced with ChatCompletionsToolDefinition.
  • ChatCompletionsToolSelectionPreset has been replaced with ChatCompletionsToolChoicePreset.
  • ChatCompletionsNamedFunctionToolSelection has been replaced with ChatCompletionsNamedToolChoice.
  • ChatCompletionsFunctionToolSelection has been replaced with ChatCompletionsNamedToolChoiceFunction.
  • StreamingChatCompletionsUpdate.AuthorName has been removed
  • Removed extraParams from the complete and completeAsync methods. It is now set implicitly if additionalProperties is provided in the options object.

Azure client library integration for ASP.NET Core 1.8.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for constructing a ManagedIdentityCredential from config by setting the managedIdentityObjectId key.

Communication Call Automation 1.3.0-beta.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added CreateCallFailed event to signify when create call API fails to establish a call

Communication Messages 1.1.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for additional media message types: documents, videos, and audio.
  • Introduced the following new models for enhanced media notifications:
  • DocumentNotificationContent: for sending document notifications.
  • VideoNotificationContent: for sending video notifications.
  • AudioNotificationContent: for sending audio notifications.
  • ImageNotificationContent: for sending image notifications.

Data Movement 12.0.0-beta.6 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support to disable checkpointing via TransferCheckpointStoreOptions.Disabled.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the constructor for TransferCheckpointStoreOptions and replaced with a static builder method Local.
  • Changed TransferCheckpointStoreOptions.CheckpointerPath to internal.

Data Movement - Blobs 12.0.0-beta.6 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug where using OAuth would not preserve source properties to destination properties.

Breaking Changes

  • Changed FromContainer(string containerUri, BlobStorageResourceContainerOptions options = default) to FromContainer(Uri containerUri, BlobStorageResourceContainerOptions options = default)
  • Changed FromBlob(string blobUri, BlobStorageResourceOptions options = default) to FromBlob(Uri blobUri, BlobStorageResourceOptions options = default)

Data Movement - Files Shares 12.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug where copying a Azure Storage Blob to a Share File would not be able to convert Content Language and Content Encoding to the string[] type.
  • Fixed bug where LastWrittenOn property was not being preserved when copying a Share File to another Share File.

Breaking Changes

  • Changed FromDirectory(string directoryUri, ShareFileStorageResourceOptions options = default) to FromDirectory(Uri directoryUri, ShareFileStorageResourceOptions options = default)
  • Changed FromFile(string fileUri, ShareFileStorageResourceOptions options = default) to FromFile(Uri fileUri, ShareFileStorageResourceOptions options = default)

Event Grid 4.27.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added OnBehalfOfCallee property to AcsIncomingCallEventData event.

Face 1.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Remove Mask from FaceAsttributes.Detection01, which is not supported.

Breaking Changes

  • Changed the parameter of CreateLivenessWithVerifySession from model CreateLivenessSessionContent to CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionContent.

Identity 1.13.0 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • If DefaultAzureCredential attempts to authenticate with the MangagedIdentityCredential and it receives either a failed response that is not json, it will now fall through to the next credential in the chain. #45184
  • Fixed the request sent in AzurePipelinesCredential so it doesn’t result in a redirect response when an invalid system access token is provided.
  • Updated to version 4.65.0 of Microsoft.Identity.Client to address a bug preventing the use of alternate authority types such as dStS (4927) .

Features Added

  • ManagedIdentityCredential now supports specifying a user-assigned managed identity by object ID.

Identity 1.13.1 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a regression that prevented ManagedIdentityCredential from attempting to detect if Workload Identity is enabled in the current environment. #46653
  • Fixed a regression that prevented DefaultAzureCredential from progressing past ManagedIdentityCredential in some scenarios where the identity was not available. #46709

Image Analysis 1.0.0 Changelog

Other Changes

Stable release.

Key Vault - Administration 4.5.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Support for Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE).

Key Vault - Certificates 4.7.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Support for Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE).

Key Vault - Keys 4.7.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Support for Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE).

Key Vault - Secrets 4.7.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Support for Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE).

OpenAI Inference 2.1.0-beta.2 Changelog

Features Added

  • The included update via 2024-09-01-preview brings AOAI support for streaming token usage in chat completions; Usage is now automatically populated in StreamingChatCompletionUpdate instances.
  • Note 1: this feature is not yet compatible when using On Your Data features (after invoking the .AddDataSource() extension method on ChatCompletionOptions)
  • Note 2: this feature is not yet compatible when using image input (a ChatMessageContentPart of Kind Image)
  • 2024-10-01-preview further adds support for ungrounded content detection in chat completion content filter results via the UngroundedMaterial property on ResponseContentFilterResult, as retrieved from a chat completion via the GetResponseContentFilterResult() extension method.

Via OpenAI 2.0.0-beta.2:

  • Made improvements to the experimental Realtime API. Please note this features area is currently under rapid development and not all changes may be reflected here.
  • Several types have been renamed for consistency and clarity.
  • ConversationRateLimitsUpdate (previously ConversationRateLimitsUpdatedUpdate) now includes named RequestDetails and TokenDetails properties, mapping to the corresponding named items in the underlying rate_limits command payload.

Breaking Changes

  • [Experimental] ChatCitation and ChatRetrievedDocument have each replaced the Uri property of type System.Uri with a string property named Url. This aligns with the REST specification and accounts for the wire value of url not always providing a valid RFC 3986 identifier [azure-sdk-for-net #46793]

Bugs Fixed

  • Addressed an HTTP 401 issue that caused certain connection retry attempts, such as those triggered for HTTP 429 rate limiting errors, to sometimes generate a malformed request with multiple Authorization headers that would then be rejected. #46401
  • Addressed an issue that caused ChatCitation and ChatRetrievedDocument to sometimes throw on deserialization, specifically when a returned value in the url JSON field was not populated with an RFC 3986 compliant identifier for System.Uri [azure-sdk-for-net #46793]

Via OpenAI 2.0.0-beta.2:

  • Fixed serialization and deserialization of ConversationToolChoice literal values (such as “required”).

OpenTelemetry AspNetCore 1.3.0-beta.2 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING was not read from IConfiguration when using the UseAzureMonitor overload with the Action<AzureMonitorOptions> parameter. If the connection string is not set using the Action<AzureMonitorOptions> delegate, the distro will now check if APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING is present in IConfiguration. (#45292)

  • Fixed a bug where LiveMetrics displays “UNKNOWN_INSTANCE” and “UNKNOWN_NAME” for “server name” and “role name” respectively. (#45433)

  • Fixed a bug in LiveMetrics that counted all manually created Dependencies as failures. (#45103)

  • Fixed a bug in LiveMetrics that caused incorrect counts for telemetry. (#46429)

Provisioning 1.0.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • The new Azure.Provisioning experience.

Provisioning - App Configuration 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Application Insights 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Cognitive Services 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - CosmosDB 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Deployment 1.0.0-beta.2 Changelog

Provisioning - Event Hubs 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Key Vault 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Operational Insights 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - PostgreSQL 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Redis 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - SQL 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Search 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Service Bus 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - SignalR 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - Storage 1.0.0 Changelog

Provisioning - WebPubSub 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - App Service 1.3.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Azure VMware Solution 1.4.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Cognitive Services 1.3.4 Changelog

Resource Management - Compute 1.7.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Computefleet 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Container Instances 1.3.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Container Registry 1.3.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Container Service Fleet 1.1.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Containerorchestratorruntime 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Cosmos DB 1.4.0-beta.11 Changelog

Resource Management - DNS 1.2.0-beta.2 Changelog

Resource Management - DNS Resolver 1.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Data Factory 1.5.0 Changelog

Resource Management - ElasticSan 1.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Event Hubs 1.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Hardware Security Modules 1.0.0-beta.4 Changelog

Resource Management - Hybrid Compute 1.0.0 Changelog

Resource Management - IoT Hub 1.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Log Analytics 1.3.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Logic Apps 1.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Managed Service Identity 1.3.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - NetApp Files 1.8.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Nginx 1.1.0-beta.2 Changelog

Resource Management - PostgreSQL 1.2.0 Changelog

Resource Management - Recovery Services 1.2.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - SignalR 1.1.3 Changelog

Resource Management - Terraform 1.0.0-beta.1 Changelog

Resource Management - Web PubSub 1.2.0-beta.2 Changelog

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of .NET packages here.

Installation Instructions

To install any of our packages, please search for them via Manage NuGet Packages... in Visual Studio (with Include prerelease checked) or copy these commands into your terminal:

$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.Inference --version 1.0.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.OpenAI --version 2.1.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.Vision.Face --version 1.0.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.Vision.ImageAnalysis --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Communication.CallAutomation --version 1.3.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Communication.Messages --version 1.1.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Identity --version 1.13.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Identity --version 1.13.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventGrid --version 4.27.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.AspNetCore --version 1.3.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.AppConfiguration --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.ApplicationInsights --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.CognitiveServices --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.CosmosDB --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Deployment --version 1.0.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.EventHubs --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.KeyVault --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.OperationalInsights --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.PostgreSql --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Redis --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Search --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.ServiceBus --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.SignalR --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Sql --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.Storage --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Provisioning.WebPubSub --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.AppService --version 1.3.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Avs --version 1.4.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.CognitiveServices --version 1.3.4
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Compute --version 1.7.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ComputeFleet --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance --version 1.3.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerOrchestratorRuntime --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry --version 1.3.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerServiceFleet --version 1.1.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB --version 1.4.0-beta.11
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.DataFactory --version 1.5.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Dns --version 1.2.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.DnsResolver --version 1.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ElasticSan --version 1.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.EventHubs --version 1.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.HardwareSecurityModules --version 1.0.0-beta.4
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.HybridCompute --version 1.0.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.IotHub --version 1.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Logic --version 1.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedServiceIdentities --version 1.3.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp --version 1.8.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Nginx --version 1.1.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.OperationalInsights --version 1.3.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.PostgreSql --version 1.2.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.RecoveryServices --version 1.2.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.SignalR --version 1.1.3
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Terraform --version 1.0.0-beta.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.WebPubSub --version 1.2.0-beta.2
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Administration --version 4.5.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Certificates --version 4.7.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys --version 4.7.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets --version 4.7.0
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.DataMovement --version 12.0.0-beta.6
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.DataMovement.Blobs --version 12.0.0-beta.6
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.DataMovement.Files.Shares --version 12.0.0-beta.3
$> dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Azure --version 1.8.0


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please file an issue in our repo.