The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our July 2021 client library releases.

31 packages released this month.

Stable Packages (19)

  • App Configuration

  • Attestation

  • Core

  • Event Hubs

  • Key Vault - Administration

  • Key Vault - Certificates

  • Key Vault - Keys

  • Key Vault - Secrets

  • Metrics Advisor

  • Resource Management - App Configuration

  • Resource Management - App Platform

  • Resource Management - Compute

  • Resource Management - Container Service

  • Resource Management - Cosmos DB

  • Resource Management - NetApp

  • Resource Management - Rdbms

  • Resource Management - SQL

  • Tables

  • Text Analytics

Patch Updates (1)

  • Service Bus

Beta Packages (8)

  • Cognitive Search

  • Container Registry

  • Document Translation

  • Identity

  • Key Vault - Keys

  • Monitor Query

  • Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI

  • Resource Management - Bare Metal Infrastructure

Release highlights

App Configuration 1.2.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Adds FeatureFlagConfigurationSetting and SecretReferenceConfigurationSetting models
  • AzureAppConfigurationClient can now be used as a context manager.
  • Adds update_sync_token to update sync tokens from Event Grid notifications.

Attestation 1.0.0 Changelog

Features Added

Sample cleanup - instead of using ClientSecretCredentials, the samples now use DefaultAzureCredential.

Breaking Changes

  • TPM attestation takes a JSON string parameter and returns a JSON string parameter.
  • TPMAttestationRequest and TPMAttestationResponse type were removed.
  • confirmation attribute removed from AttestationResult type.
  • The AttestationSigningKey type was removed, replaced with a signing_key and signing_certificate kwargs parameter.
  • All certificates and keys accepted and returned by the SDK are now PEM encoded strings instead of DER encoded arrays of bytes for easier manipulation and interoperability.
  • Removed AttestationResponse type, token value merged into AttestationResult, PolicyResult, etc.
  • Removed TokenValidationOptions type and merged the validation options into keyword arguments on the APIs which validate returned tokens. Those keyword arguments can also be specified on the Client classes to simplify individual API invocations.
  • Renamed instance_url parameter to the constructors to endpoint.
  • Many optional fields in AttestationResult were made non-optional.
  • AttestationToken._validate_token is made internal-only, and now returns None.
  • The caller provided validation_callback now must throw exceptions on invalid tokens rather than returning False.
  • Removed the AttestationData type, instead the attest_xxx APIs take two sets of parameters: inittime_data and inittime_json and runtime_data and runtime_json. if the _json value is set, the value of the parameter is an array of UTF8 encoded JSON values, if the _data value is set, the value of the parameter is an array of bytes.
  • The get_policy API now returns a Tuple[str, AttestationToken] to simplify the consumption experience.
  • The get_policy_management_certificates API also returns a Tuple[list[list[string]], AttestationToken] to simplify the consumption experience. Note that each of the entries in the list is a PEM encoded X.509 certificate.

To call into the attest APIs if you care about the attestation policy and token, you can write:

policy, token = attest_client.get_policy(AttestationType.SGX_ENCLAVE)

If you only care about the policy, you can write any of the following:

policy, _ = attest_client.get_policy(AttestationType.SGX_ENCLAVE)


policy = attest_client.get_policy(AttestationType.SGX_ENCLAVE)[0]


response = attest_client.get_policy(AttestationType.SGX_ENCLAVE)
policy = response[0]
  • The AttestationToken class no longer inherits from Generic.
  • The attest_sgx_enclave, and attest_openenclave APIs now return a tuple of AttestationResult, AttestationToken, similar to the get_policy API.
  • The set_policy, reset_policy, add_policy_management_certificate, and remove_policy_management_certificate APIs all return a tuple.
  • The AttestationToken.get_body() API was renamed AttestationToken.body()
  • Several time related properties were renamed to be consistent with the usage from keyvault:
  • The expiration_time property on AttestationToken was renamed to expires.
  • The issuance_time property on AttestationToken was renamed to issued_on.
  • The not_before_time property on AttestationToken was renamed to not_before.
  • The StoredAttestationPolicy model type has been removed. To validate the attestation policy hash, use the AttestationPolicyToken model object instead.
  • The get_openidmetadata API has been renamed get_open_id_metadata.

Cognitive Search 11.3.0b1 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added AAD support
  • Added support for semantic search
  • Added normalizer support

Container Registry 1.0.0b4 Changelog

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixes a bug where credential_scopes keyword on ContainerRegistryClient was not passed through and the client could not authenticate with foreign clouds.

Core 1.16.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Add new provisional methods send_request onto the azure.core.PipelineClient and azure.core.AsyncPipelineClient. This method takes in requests and sends them through our pipelines.
  • Add new provisional module is our new public simple HTTP library in azure.core that users will use to create requests, and consume responses.
  • Add new provisional errors StreamConsumedError, StreamClosedError, and ResponseNotReadError to azure.core.exceptions. These errors are thrown if you mishandle streamed responses from the provisional module


  • Improved error message in the from_dict method of CloudEvent when a wrong schema is sent.

Document Translation 1.0.0b3 Changelog

Breaking changes

  • TranslationStatusResult was renamed to TranslationStatus.
  • DocumentStatusResult was renamed to DocumentStatus.
  • get_document_formats was renamed to get_supported_document_formats.
  • get_glossary_formats was renamed to get_supported_glossary_formats.

Event Hubs 5.6.0 Changelog

Features Added

  • Added support for sending AMQP annotated message which allows full access to the AMQP message fields.
  • Introduced new namespace azure.eventhub.amqp.
  • Added new enum class azure.eventhub.amqp.AmqpMessageBodyType to represent the body type of the message which includes:
  • DATA: The body of message consists of one or more data sections and each section contains opaque binary data.
  • SEQUENCE: The body of message consists of one or more sequence sections and each section contains an arbitrary number of structured data elements.
  • VALUE: The body of message consists of one amqp-value section and the section contains a single AMQP value.
  • Introduced new class azure.eventhub.amqp.AmqpAnnotatedMessage for accessing low-level amqp message sections which can be instantiated for sending.
  • Introduced new classes azure.eventhub.amqp.AmqpMessageHeader and azure.eventhub.amqp.AmqpMessageProperties for accessing amqp header and properties.
  • Added new property body_type on azure.eventhub.EventData which returns azure.eventhub.amqp.AmqpMessageBodyType.
  • Added new read-only property raw_amqp_message on azure.eventhub.EventData which returns azure.eventhub.amqp.AmqpAnnotatedMessage.

Identity 1.7.0b2 Changelog

Features Added

  • InteractiveBrowserCredential keyword argument login_hint enables pre-filling the username/email address field on the login page (#19225)
  • AzureApplicationCredential, a default credential chain for applications deployed to Azure (#19309)

Bugs Fixed

  • azure.identity.aio.ManagedIdentityCredential is an async context manager that closes its underlying transport session at the end of a with block

Key Vault - Administration 4.0.0 Changelog


  • Key Vault API version 7.2 is now the default
  • KeyVaultAccessControlClient.delete_role_assignment and .delete_role_definition no longer raise an error when the resource to be deleted is not found
  • Raised minimum azure-core version to 1.11.0


  • KeyVaultAccessControlClient.set_role_definition accepts an optional assignable_scopes keyword-only argument

Breaking Changes

  • KeyVaultAccessControlClient.delete_role_assignment and .delete_role_definition return None
  • Changed parameter order in KeyVaultAccessControlClient.set_role_definition. permissions is now an optional keyword-only argument
  • Renamed BackupOperation to KeyVaultBackupResult, and removed all but its folder_url property
  • Removed RestoreOperation and SelectiveKeyRestoreOperation classes
  • Removed KeyVaultBackupClient.begin_selective_restore. To restore a single key, pass the key’s name to KeyVaultBackupClient.begin_restore: ```

    before (4.0.0b3):

    client.begin_selective_restore(folder_url, sas_token, key_name)


client.begin_restore(folder_url, sas_token, key_name=key_name)

- Removed `KeyVaultBackupClient.get_backup_status` and `.get_restore_status`. Use
the pollers returned by `KeyVaultBackupClient.begin_backup` and `.begin_restore`
to check whether an operation has completed
- `KeyVaultRoleAssignment`'s `principal_id`, `role_definition_id`, and `scope`
are now properties of a `properties` property

before (4.0.0b3):




- Renamed `KeyVaultPermission` properties:
- `allowed_actions` -> `actions`
- `denied_actions` -> `not_actions`
- `allowed_data_actions` -> `data_actions`
- `denied_data_actions` -> `denied_data_actions`
- Renamed argument `role_assignment_name` to `name` in
`KeyVaultAccessControlClient.create_role_assignment`, `.delete_role_assignment`,
and `.get_role_assignment`
- Renamed argument `role_definition_name` to `name` in
`KeyVaultAccessControlClient.delete_role_definition` and `.get_role_definition`
- Renamed argument `role_scope` to `scope` in `KeyVaultAccessControlClient` methods

### Key Vault - Certificates 4.3.0 [Changelog](
This is the last version to support Python 3.5. The next version will require Python 2.7 or 3.6+.
#### Changed
- Key Vault API version 7.2 is now the default
- Updated minimum `msrest` version to 0.6.21
- The `issuer_name` parameter for `CertificatePolicy` is now optional

#### Added
- Added class `KeyVaultCertificateIdentifier` that parses out a full ID returned by Key Vault,
so users can easily access the certificate's `name`, `vault_url`, and `version`.

### Key Vault - Keys 4.4.0 [Changelog](
This is the last version to support Python 3.5. The next version will require Python 2.7 or 3.6+.
#### Changed
- Key Vault API version 7.2 is now the default
- (From 4.4.0b1) Updated minimum `msrest` version to 0.6.21

#### Added
- `KeyClient` has a `create_oct_key` method for creating symmetric keys
- `KeyClient`'s `create_key` and `create_rsa_key` methods now accept a `public_exponent`
keyword-only argument ([#18016](
- (From 4.4.0b1) Added support for Key Vault API version 7.2
- Added `oct_hsm` to `KeyType`
- Added 128-, 192-, and 256-bit AES-GCM, AES-CBC, and AES-CBCPAD encryption
algorithms to `EncryptionAlgorithm`
- Added 128- and 192-bit AES-KW key wrapping algorithms to `KeyWrapAlgorithm`
- `CryptographyClient`'s `encrypt` method accepts `iv` and
`additional_authenticated_data` keyword arguments
- `CryptographyClient`'s `decrypt` method accepts `iv`,
`additional_authenticated_data`, and `authentication_tag` keyword arguments
- Added `iv`, `aad`, and `tag` properties to `EncryptResult`
- (From 4.4.0b3) `CryptographyClient` will perform all operations locally if initialized with
the `.from_jwk` factory method
- (From 4.4.0b3) Added requirement for `six`>=1.12.0
- (From 4.4.0b4) `CryptographyClient` can perform AES-CBCPAD encryption and decryption locally

#### Breaking Changes
> These changes do not impact the API of stable versions such as 4.3.1.
> Only code written against a beta version such as 4.4.0b1 may be affected.
- `parse_key_vault_key_id` and `KeyVaultResourceId` have been replaced by a
`KeyVaultKeyIdentifier` class, which can be initialized with a key ID

### Key Vault - Keys 4.5.0b1 [Changelog](
#### Features Added
- Key Vault API version 7.3-preview is now the default
- `KeyClient` has a `get_random_bytes` method for getting a requested number of random
bytes from a managed HSM

### Key Vault - Secrets 4.3.0 [Changelog](
This is the last version to support Python 3.5. The next version will require Python 2.7 or 3.6+.
#### Fixed
- Correct typing for async paging methods

#### Changed
- Key Vault API version 7.2 is now the default
- Updated minimum `msrest` version to 0.6.21

#### Added
- Added class `KeyVaultSecretIdentifier` that parses out a full ID returned by Key Vault,
so users can easily access the secret's `name`, `vault_url`, and `version`.

### Metrics Advisor 1.0.0 [Changelog](
#### Breaking Changes

- Changed
- `DetectionConditionsOperator` -> `DetectionConditionOperator`
- `cross_conditions_operator` -> `condition_operator`
- `AnomalyAlert.created_on` -> `AnomalyAlert.created_time`
- `AnomalyAlert.modified_on` -> `AnomalyAlert.modified_time`
- `Anomaly.created_on` -> `Anomaly.created_time`
- `admin_emails` has been renamed to `admins` in `NotificationHook`
- `admin_emails` has been renamed to `admins` in `DataFeedOptions`
- `viewer_emails` has been renamed to `viewers` in `DataFeedOptions`

### Monitor Query 1.0.0b2 [Changelog](
#### Breaking Changes

- `workspaces`, `workspace_ids`, `qualified_names` and `azure_resource_ids` are now merged into a single `additional_workspaces` list in the query API.
- The `LogQueryRequest` object now takes in a `workspace_id` and `additional_workspaces` instead of `workspace`.
- `aggregation` param is now a list instead of a string in the `query` method.
- `duration` must now be provided as a timedelta instead of a string.

### Resource Management - App Configuration 2.0.0 [Changelog](

- Model OperationDefinition has a new parameter properties
- Model OperationDefinition has a new parameter is_data_action
- Model OperationDefinition has a new parameter origin
- Model KeyValue has a new parameter id
- Model KeyValue has a new parameter type
- Model KeyValue has a new parameter name
- Model ConfigurationStore has a new parameter system_data
- Model ConfigurationStore has a new parameter disable_local_auth
- Model ConfigurationStoreUpdateParameters has a new parameter disable_local_auth
- Added operation group KeyValuesOperations

**Breaking changes**

- Model Resource no longer has parameter location
- Model Resource no longer has parameter tags
- Removed operation ConfigurationStoresOperations.list_key_value

### Resource Management - App Platform 6.1.0 [Changelog](

- Model UserSourceInfo has a new parameter custom_container
- Model MetricDimension has a new parameter to_be_exported_for_shoebox
- Model DeploymentSettings has a new parameter resource_requests

### Resource Management - Azure Stack HCI 6.1.0b1 [Changelog](

- Model Cluster has a new parameter cloud_management_endpoint
- Added operation group ArcSettingsOperations
- Added operation group ExtensionsOperations

### Resource Management - Bare Metal Infrastructure 1.0.0b2 [Changelog](
* Fix dependencies

### Resource Management - Compute 22.0.0 [Changelog](

- Model RestorePointSourceMetadata has a new parameter location
- Added operation DiskRestorePointOperations.begin_revoke_access
- Added operation DiskRestorePointOperations.begin_grant_access

**Breaking changes**

- Model PublicIPAddressSku has a new signature

### Resource Management - Container Service 16.0.0 [Changelog](

- Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter enable_ultra_ssd
- Model ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new parameter enable_private_cluster_public_fqdn
- Model AgentPool has a new parameter enable_ultra_ssd
- Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter enable_ultra_ssd
- Added operation ManagedClustersOperations.list_outbound_network_dependencies_endpoints

**Breaking changes**

- Operation ManagedClustersOperations.list_cluster_admin_credentials has a new signature
- Operation ManagedClustersOperations.list_cluster_monitoring_user_credentials has a new signature
- Operation ManagedClustersOperations.list_cluster_user_credentials has a new signature

### Resource Management - Cosmos DB 6.4.0 [Changelog](

- Model ContinuousModeBackupPolicy has a new parameter migration_state
- Model DatabaseAccountGetResults has a new parameter restore_parameters
- Model DatabaseAccountGetResults has a new parameter analytical_storage_configuration
- Model DatabaseAccountGetResults has a new parameter system_data
- Model DatabaseAccountGetResults has a new parameter instance_id
- Model DatabaseAccountGetResults has a new parameter disable_local_auth
- Model DatabaseAccountGetResults has a new parameter create_mode
- Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter migration_state
- Model DatabaseAccountCreateUpdateParameters has a new parameter analytical_storage_configuration
- Model DatabaseAccountCreateUpdateParameters has a new parameter restore_parameters
- Model DatabaseAccountCreateUpdateParameters has a new parameter disable_local_auth
- Model DatabaseAccountCreateUpdateParameters has a new parameter create_mode
- Model PeriodicModeBackupPolicy has a new parameter migration_state
- Model DatabaseAccountUpdateParameters has a new parameter analytical_storage_configuration
- Model DatabaseAccountUpdateParameters has a new parameter disable_local_auth
- Added operation SqlResourcesOperations.begin_retrieve_continuous_backup_information
- Added operation group RestorableMongodbDatabasesOperations
- Added operation group RestorableDatabaseAccountsOperations
- Added operation group RestorableSqlDatabasesOperations
- Added operation group RestorableSqlContainersOperations
- Added operation group RestorableMongodbResourcesOperations
- Added operation group RestorableMongodbCollectionsOperations
- Added operation group RestorableSqlResourcesOperations

### Resource Management - NetApp 4.0.0 [Changelog](

- Model ExportPolicyRule has a new parameter chown_mode
- Model BackupStatus has a new parameter last_transfer_size
- Model BackupStatus has a new parameter total_transfer_bytes
- Model BackupStatus has a new parameter last_transfer_type
- Model Volume has a new parameter cool_access
- Model Volume has a new parameter unix_permissions
- Model Volume has a new parameter coolness_period
- Model CapacityPool has a new parameter cool_access
- Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter administrators
- Added operation BackupsOperations.get_volume_restore_status

**Breaking changes**

- Operation NetAppResourceOperations.check_file_path_availability has a new signature

### Resource Management - Rdbms 9.0.0 [Changelog](

- Model ServerVersionCapability has a new parameter status
- Model Server has a new parameter network
- Model Server has a new parameter backup
- Model Server has a new parameter storage
- Model Server has a new parameter system_data
- Model Server has a new parameter high_availability
- Model Server has a new parameter minor_version
- Model Server has a new parameter source_server_resource_id
- Model Database has a new parameter system_data
- Model StorageProfile has a new parameter storage_autogrow
- Model StorageProfile has a new parameter geo_redundant_backup
- Model VcoreCapability has a new parameter status
- Model Configuration has a new parameter system_data
- Model StorageEditionCapability has a new parameter status
- Model FirewallRule has a new parameter system_data
- Model ServerForUpdate has a new parameter create_mode
- Model ServerForUpdate has a new parameter backup
- Model ServerForUpdate has a new parameter high_availability
- Model ServerForUpdate has a new parameter storage
- Model StorageMBCapability has a new parameter status
- Added operation GetPrivateDnsZoneSuffixOperations.execute
- Added operation ConfigurationsOperations.begin_put

**Breaking changes**

- Operation ServersOperations.begin_restart has a new signature
- Model Server no longer has parameter byok_enforcement
- Model Server no longer has parameter public_network_access
- Model Server no longer has parameter display_name
- Model Server no longer has parameter ha_state
- Model Server no longer has parameter private_dns_zone_arguments
- Model Server no longer has parameter source_server_name
- Model Server no longer has parameter storage_profile
- Model Server no longer has parameter source_resource_group_name
- Model Server no longer has parameter delegated_subnet_arguments
- Model Server no longer has parameter source_subscription_id
- Model Server no longer has parameter ha_enabled
- Model Server no longer has parameter standby_availability_zone
- Model ServerForUpdate no longer has parameter storage_profile
- Model ServerForUpdate no longer has parameter ha_enabled
- Model CapabilityProperties has a new signature

### Resource Management - SQL 3.0.0 [Changelog](

- Model Server has a new parameter federated_client_id
- Model Server has a new parameter restrict_outbound_network_access
- Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter federated_client_id
- Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter restrict_outbound_network_access
- Model BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy has a new parameter diff_backup_interval_in_hours

**Breaking changes**

- Operation ReplicationLinksOperations.get has a new signature

### Service Bus 7.3.1 [Changelog](
#### Fixed

- Fixed a bug that when setting `ServiceBusMessage.partition_key`, input value should be not validated against `session_id` of None (PR #19233, thanks @bishnu-shb).
- Fixed a bug that setting `ServiceBusMessage.time_to_live` causes OverflowError error on Ubuntu 20.04.
- Fixed a bug that `AmqpAnnotatedProperties.creation_time` and `AmqpAnnotatedProperties.absolute_expiry_time` should be calculated in the unit of milliseconds instead of seconds.
- Updated uAMQP dependency to 1.4.1.
- Fixed a bug that attributes creation_time, absolute_expiry_time and group_sequence on MessageProperties should be compatible with integer types on Python 2.7.

### Tables 12.1.0 [Changelog](
#### Features Added
* Storage Accounts only: `TableClient` and `TableServiceClient`s can now use `azure-identity` credentials for authentication. Note: A `TableClient` authenticated with a `TokenCredential` cannot use the `get_table_access_policy` or `set_table_access_policy` methods.

### Text Analytics 5.1.0 [Changelog](
#### Features Added

- Added `catagories_filter` to `RecognizePiiEntitiesAction`
- Added `HealthcareEntityCategory`
- Added AAD support for the `begin_analyze_healthcare_entities` methods.

#### Breaking Changes

- Changed: the response structure of `being_analyze_actions`. Now, we return a list of results, where each result is a list of the action results for the document, in the order the documents and actions were passed.
- Changed: `begin_analyze_actions` now accepts a single action per type. A `ValueError` is raised if duplicate actions are passed.
- Removed: `AnalyzeActionsType`
- Removed: `AnalyzeActionsResult`
- Removed: `AnalyzeActionsError`
- Removed: `HealthcareEntityRelationRoleType`
- Changed: renamed `HealthcareEntityRelationType` to `HealthcareEntityRelation`
- Changed: renamed `PiiEntityCategoryType` to `PiiEntityCategory`
- Changed: renamed `PiiEntityDomainType` to `PiiEntityDomain`

## Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of Python packages [here][python-latest-releases].

## Installation Instructions

To install the latest beta version of the packages, copy and paste the following commands into a terminal:

$> pip install azure-ai-metricsadvisor==1.0.0 $> pip install azure-ai-textanalytics==5.1.0 $> pip install azure-ai-translation-document==1.0.0b3 $> pip install azure-appconfiguration==1.2.0 $> pip install azure-containerregistry==1.0.0b4 $> pip install azure-core==1.16.0 $> pip install azure-data-tables==12.1.0 $> pip install azure-eventhub==5.6.0 $> pip install azure-identity==1.7.0b2 $> pip install azure-keyvault-administration==4.0.0 $> pip install azure-keyvault-certificates==4.3.0 $> pip install azure-keyvault-keys==4.4.0 $> pip install azure-keyvault-keys==4.5.0b1 $> pip install azure-keyvault-secrets==4.3.0 $> pip install azure-mgmt-appconfiguration==2.0.0 $> pip install azure-mgmt-appplatform==6.1.0 $> pip install azure-mgmt-azurestackhci==6.1.0b1 $> pip install azure-mgmt-baremetalinfrastructure==1.0.0b2 $> pip install azure-mgmt-compute==22.0.0 $> pip install azure-mgmt-containerservice==16.0.0 $> pip install azure-mgmt-cosmosdb==6.4.0 $> pip install azure-mgmt-netapp==4.0.0 $> pip install azure-mgmt-rdbms==9.0.0 $> pip install azure-mgmt-sql==3.0.0 $> pip install azure-monitor-query==1.0.0b2 $> pip install azure-search-documents==11.3.0b1 $> pip install azure-security-attestation==1.0.0 $> pip install azure-servicebus==7.3.1 ```


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.