The Azure SDK team is pleased to make available the July 2020 client library release.


  • Azure Cognitive Search


  • Azure App Configuration
  • Core libraries
  • Azure Event Hubs


  • Storage
  • Azure Event Hubs
  • Azure Cognitive Form Recognizer
  • Azure Service Bus

Installation Instructions

To install the packages, copy and paste the below into a terminal.

$> npm install @azure/storage-blob
$> npm install @azure/storage-blob-changfeed
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-datalake
$> npm install @azure/storage-file-share
$> npm install @azure/storage-queue
$> npm install @azure/app-configuration
$> npm install @azure/search-documents
$> npm install @azure/ai-form-recognizer
$> npm install @azure/service-bus@next

To install the stable version of the Event Hubs library:

$> npm install @azure/event-hubs

To install the preview version of the Event Hubs library:

$> npm install @azure/event-hubs@next


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue at the azure-sdk-for-js repository


Detailed changelogs are linked from the Quick Links below. Here are some of the highlights:


Blob Changelog

New Features
  • Added support for Blob Tags, Blob Versioning, Quick Query, Jumbo Blobs, and more
  • Added convenience method createIfNotExists for ContainerClient, AppendBlobClient, and PageBlobClient
  • Added convenience method deleteIfExists for ContainerClient and BlobClients

Blob ChangeFeed Changelog

New Features
  • Added a preview version of this library to support change feed

File DataLake Changelog

New Features
  • Block size is increased to 4 GB max
  • Added more mapping for Blob and DFS endpoints

File Share Changelog

New Features
  • Supports 4 TB files


This is the first stable GA release of the Cognitive Search library.

Breaking Changes from Last Preview

  • In Suggest API & Search API return values, a new property called document is introduced. All user-defined fields are moved inside this document property.
  • In analyzeText API, the text parameter is moved from method level to inside options bag.
  • In search API, includeTotalResultCount property is renamed to includeTotalCount.
  • In ServiceCounters, the skillsetCounter property has been removed.
  • Modified the names of several properties. Please refer #9321 for a detailed list of renames.

App Configuration (CHANGELOG)

New Features

  • Added browser support for the latest versions of Chrome, Edge and Firefox.

Event Hubs (CHANGELOG)

We have released two versions of the Event Hubs library this time. An update to the stable version with bug fixes, and a preview version with new features.

Key Bug Fixes

  • The update to the stable version i.e version 5.2.2 has improved the application reliability when closing EventHubConsumerClient and Subscriptions.

New Features

  • The preview version 5.3.0-preview.1 now supports configuring loadBalancingOptions when constructing the EventHubConsumerClient for more control over performance tuning while load balancing.

Form Recognizer (CHANGELOG)

New Features

  • Added an expiresOn property to the CopyAuthorization type containing the time that the Copy Authorization will expire encoded as a JavaScript Date type.

Breaking Changes from Last Preview

  • Replace RecognizedReceiptArray with the more generic RecognizedFormArray in the Poller response type returned by beginRecognizeReceipts and beginRecognizeReceiptsFromUrl.
  • Rename the textContent field of the FieldData and FormTableCell types to fieldElements to mirror the change in its type.
  • Rename the FormField type’s labelText and valueText fields to labelData and valueData respectively, to mirror the change of their type to FieldData;
  • Rename the includeTextContent request option to includeFieldElements to mirror the change to FieldData and FormElement.
  • Rename FieldText to FieldData and FormContent to FormElement to reflect that fields may contain more than textual information.
  • Rename includeTextDetails to includeTextContent in custom form and receipt recognition options to be consistent with other languages.
  • Rename properties requestedOn to trainingStartedOn and completedOn to trainingCompletedOn in CustomFormModel and CustomFormModelInfo types.

Service Bus (CHANGELOG)

New Features

  • Adds abortSignal support throughout Sender and non-session Receivers.
  • (Receiver SessionReceiver).subscribe() now returns a closeable object which will stop new messages from arriving but still leave the receiver open so they can be settled via methods like complete().
  • OperationOptions has been added for the methods under ServiceBusManagementClient, this adds support for abortSignal, requestOptions when creating and sending HTTP requests.

Breaking Changes from Last Preview

  • Standardized methods on senders and receivers to use the Messages suffix, removed dedicated methods dealing with a single message to reduce API surface.
  • Standardized methods that peek and receive a given number of messages to use a similar signature. Old: peekMessages(options); and receiveMessages(maxMessages, options); New: peekMessages(maxMessageCount, options); and receiveMessages(maxMessageCount, options);
  • Removed isReceivingMessages method on the Receiver.
  • Management api updates

    • Renamed createdOn, accessedOn and modifiedOn properties to createdAt, accessedAt and modifiedAt, updated the corresponding type from ISO-8601 timestamp string to the Date type in the responses for the runtimeInfo methods for Queue, Topic and Subscription.
    • The property top in the options passed to any of the methods that get information for multiple entities like getQueues or getQueuesRuntimeInfo is renamed to maxCount.
    • The “update” methods (updateQueue, updateTopic and updateSubscription) now require all properties on the given queue/topic/subscription object to be set though only a subset of them are actually updatable. Therefore, the suggested flow is to use the “get” methods to get the queue/topic/subscription object, update as needed, and then pass it to the “update” methods.

Key Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where the messages scheduled in parallel with the scheduleMessage method have the same sequence number in response.
  • Fixed the bug where the userProperties in a correlation filter are not populated in the rule while using the ServiceBusManagementClient.createRule() method.

Latest Releases

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