The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our May 2020 client library releases.



  • Form Recognizer
  • Service Bus

Installation Instructions

To use the GA and beta libraries, refer to the Maven dependency information below, which may be copied into your projects Maven pom.xml file as appropriate. If you are using a different build tool, refer to its documentation on how to specify dependencies.




















If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.


Event Hubs (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

New Features

  • Added support for sending a collection of events as a single batch from EventHubProducerClient and EventHubProducerAsyncClient.
  • Added support for heartbeat for single process event function in Event Processor Client.
  • Added support for receiving events in batches in Event Processor Client.


1.0.6 (Changelog)

  • Update azure-core dependency to version 1.5.0.
  • Fix MSIToken expiry time parsing for Azure App Service platforms.

1.1.0-beta.4 (Changelog)

  • Added IntelliJCredential support in DefaultAzureCredential.
  • Added VsCodeCredential support in DefaultAzureCredential.
  • Added support to disable specific credentials in DefaultAzureCredential authentication flow.
  • Added Shared Token cache support for MacOS Keychain, Gnome Keyring, and plain text for other Linux environments
  • Added option to write to shared token cache from InteractiveBrowserCredential, AuthorizationCodeCredential, UsernamePasswordCredential and DeviceCodeCredential

Service Bus (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

New Features

  • Allow receiving from first available single and multiple sessions through ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient.
  • Add send overload that accepts an Iterable of ServiceBusMessage.

Search (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

New Features

  • Changed Azure Search service version from 2019-05-06 to 2019-05-06-Preview
  • Added helper class FieldBuilder which converts a strongly-typed model class to List<Field>.

Storage Blobs (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved percent encoding issue when dealing with certain UTF-8 characters. #10216 #10446
  • Resolved deserialization issue when dealing with a leading byte order mark. #9982

Storage Blob Batch (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved percent encoding issue when dealing with certain UTF-8 characters. #10216 #10446
  • Resolved deserialization issue when dealing with a leading byte order mark. #9982

Storage Blob Cryptography (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved percent encoding issue when dealing with certain UTF-8 characters. #10216 #10446
  • Resolved deserialization issue when dealing with a leading byte order mark. #9982

Storage Files Datalake (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved percent encoding issue when dealing with certain UTF-8 characters. #10216 #10446
  • Resolved deserialization issue when dealing with a leading byte order mark. #9982

Storage Files Shares (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved percent encoding issue when dealing with certain UTF-8 characters. #10216 #10446
  • Resolved deserialization issue when dealing with a leading byte order mark. #9982

Storage Queues (Changelog)

Here are some of the highlights:

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved percent encoding issue when dealing with certain UTF-8 characters. #10216 #10446
  • Resolved deserialization issue when dealing with a leading byte order mark. #9982

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