Azure SDK for .NET (January 2020)
The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce our January 2020 client library releases.
- Event Hubs
- Key Vault (Certificates)
- Key Vault (Keys, Secrets)
- Storage (Blobs, Blobs Batch, Queues, File Shares, DataLake)
- Text Analytics
Installation Instructions
To install any of our packages, please search for them via Manage NuGet Packages...
in Visual Studio (with Include prerelease
checked) or copy these commands into your terminal:
$> dotnet add package Azure.AI.TextAnalytics --version 1.0.0-preview.1
$> dotnet add package Azure.Cosmos --version 4.0.0-preview
$> dotnet add package Azure.Data.AppConfiguration
$> dotnet add package Azure.Identity
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs
$> dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Certificates
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Key
$> dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs.Batch
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake --version 12.0.0-preview.8
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Files.Shares
$> dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Queues
If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please file an issue in our repo.
Detailed changelogs are linked from the Quick Links below. Here are some of the highlights:
Event Hubs
Namespaces have been reorganized to align types to their functional area. Cross-functional types have been left in the root namespace while specialized types were moved to the Producer, Consumer, or Processor namespaces.
The hierarchy of custom exceptions has been flattened, with only the EventHubsException remaining. The well-known failure scenarios that had previously been represented as stand-alone types are now exposed by the
property. Please see the Event Hubs README for details.
Key Vault
- Challenge-based authentication requests are only sent over HTTPS.
- Added Exists API to BlobBaseClient and BlobContainerClient
- Fixed SAS related bugs
- Fixed progress reporting for parallel uploads
- Fixed issue where certain query parameters were not being logged for DataLake.
Text Analytics
- This library supports only the Text Analytics Service v3.0-preview.1 API. The previous
library supported only earlier service versions. - The namespace/package name for Azure Text Analytics client library has changed from
- Added support for:
- Subscription key and AAD authentication for both synchronous and asynchronous clients.
- Detect Language.
- Separation of Entity Recognition and Entity Linking.
- Identification of Personally Identifiable Information.
- Analyze Sentiment APIs including analysis for mixed sentiment.
Latest Releases
View all the latest versions of .NET packages here.